I know this isn't Christmas related but I wanted to share what my very talented husband made me for my birthday! A new cabinet for the kitchen-perhaps not very romantic you say but what I actually asked for was more storage in the kitchen. I know- I'm not the real high maintenance type! LOL! I'm thinking maybe breakfast station and recycling underneath? He has everything ready to assemble for my new pantry too. Our kitchen is small so it will go in this broom closet. Can't wait to share it with you!

I would love a gift like that. I need more counter/storage space in my kitchen.
I love it. What a great gift!!
Happy Birthday to you! I love your new storage counter. It looks great! I am a pretty practicle gift wanter too, lol. Wouldn't have it any other way. Blessings
Happy belated birthday! Mine was the 17th!
Do you ever rent your hubby out?? :o)
He is very talented!
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